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Share the Road, Arrive Alive

Walker, Ryder, and Carly

Educational Materials

Download the coloring book or campaign graphics.

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Educational Lesson Ideas

Instructions: Choose a Share the Road - Arrive Alive video topic with a message consistent with your lesson plan. Some videos show adults cycling in the street.

Please explain that bicycle travel in the street should only be done on an age appropriate basis and subject to parental supervision. Videos are linked below or can be viewed on a single page.

Video 1 - "Texting"

Watch this video on YouTube

  1. Where were the people looking while they were walking, riding, and driving?
  2. Where should they be looking instead? Why?
  3. Now that you have seen the video, was texting more important than watching where they were going? Why?
  4. Would it have been ok for the people to stop texting while they are traveling? Why?
  5. What were the consequences of texting while riding, walking, and driving?

Activity Example: On a piece of paper, draw a picture or make a poster with a "stop texting while riding, walking, and driving" safety message. Display them at your school or in a public place.

Video 2 - "Feet in the Street"

Watch this video on YouTube

  1. Where should you look when you cross the street?
  2. How do you know that drivers see you?
  3. When should you enter the crosswalk?
  4. Which can be seen well? Light or dark clothing?

Activity Example: Set up a pretend crosswalk in your classroom or outside using cones or marker to designate the crossing. Divide students into "cars," "bikes," and "street crossers." Have some demonstrate unsafe street crossing behavior. Practice safe street crossing behavior. Later, ask students to summarize what they experienced during the activity. What would you say to a person being unsafe?

Video 3 - "Riding"

Watch this video on YouTube

  1. What can bicyclists do to help drivers know where they plan to go? Why?
  2. Should drivers have to guess what bicyclists are doing? Why?
  3. What does it look like when you see a bicyclist riding safely? What are they wearing?
  4. What should you do before opening a car door when parked on the street? Why?

Activity Example: Show students hand signal techniques.
Left: Left arm extended out.
Right: Left arm bent at elbow, pointing up.
Slow or Stop: Left arm points out and down.

Select three students to go up in front of the class to demonstrate proper hand signal techniques. Have the students up front turn their backs to the class, so as not to confuse right and left for the seated students. After they have demonstrated that, then have each student demonstrate hand signals with the seated students yelling out their guesses of the signals.

Video 4 - "Night Bike"

Watch this video on YouTube

  1. What kind of clothing should be worn to be seen at night? Why?
  2. What kind of clothing makes it dangerous to be seen at night? Why?
  3. What kind of bike equipment will help you to be seen at night? Why?
  4. In the video, could you see the cyclist dressed in dark clothing at night time?

Activity Example: Have students create a poster that would educate bicyclists on how to be seen at night time. Make copies and ask permission to display the posters in a public place.

Video 5 - "Helmets"

Watch this video on YouTube

  1. What does the watermelon represent?
  2. What happened to the watermelon with a helmet?
  3. What happened to the watermelon without a helmet?
  4. Why is it good to wear a bicycle helmet?
  5. Who should wear a bicycle helmet?

Activity Example: Ask students to count the bicyclists they see in a public place such as a park or bike path. How many cyclists wear helmets? What colors are the helmets?

Ask some students to wear their bike helmets. Demonstrate to the class the difference between the hardness of a helmet and the hardness of their unprotected heads.

Video 6 - "Freeways"

Watch this video on YouTube

The "Freeways" video is intended for an adult commuting bicyclist and motorist audience. For obvious safety reasons, children are in no way encouraged to ride their bicycles on the freeway.

  1. This video is to show grownups how to obey the rules of riding on the highway. Have you seen a cyclist riding on the highway? Where?
  2. Do you know anyone who rides a bike on a freeway?

Activity Example: Ask students what they would say to an adult bicyclist after watching this video. Role play: Have students act out the roles of them being themselves and also an adult freeway bicyclist. What would they say to each other about being safe on the highway?